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 Katalóg odbornej plastikárskej literatúry v českom a slovenskom jazyku:

Cena s DPH (10%)
John P. Beaumont (preklad JAN SVOBODA s.r.o.) Návrh a řešení vtokových soustav - příručka pro úspěšné vstřikování plastů - NOVINKA 2022  viac » 196,90€
Lubomír Zeman Vstřikování plastů 2 - NOVINKA 2021  viac » 22,85 €
Lubomír Zeman Vstřikování plastů - Teorie a praxe 2018  viac » 25,40 €
Zdeněk Řehulka Konstrukce výlisků z plastů a forem pro zpracování plastů, Polymery 2015  viac » 17,60 €
Pavel Alexy Procesy spracovania polymérov 2016  viac » 16,50 €


Katalóg odbornej plastikárskej literatúry v anglickom jazyku:

/ Literatúra len na objednávku, nižšie uvedené ceny sú len orientačné /

Cena v EUR  s DPH

Practical Rubber Rheology and Dynamic Properties

2023 Hanser 149,99

Injection Molding Simulaltion for Beginners

2023 Hanser 129,99

Training in Plastics Technology

2023 Hanser 109,99

Injection Molds for Beginners 3E

2023 Hanser 109,99

Disruptive 3D Printing

2023 Hanser 99,99

Energy in Plastics Technology

2023 Hanser 229,99
Grellmann, Seidler

Polymer Testing

2022 Hanser 249,99

Fundamentals of Fiber Orientation

2022 Hanser 149,99
Andersen, Campbell

Extruder Processing

2022 Hanser 99,99
Baur, Drummer

Seachtling Kunststoff-Handbuch

2022 Hanser 69,99

Design of Injection Molded Plastic Parts

2022 Hanser 79,99

Injection Mold Design Engineering

2022 Hanser 129,99
Wang, Chang

Molding Simulation: Theory and Practice

2022 Hanser 179,99

Simulation in der Spritzgiesstechnik

2022 Hanser 179,99
Anderhofstadt, Disselkamp

Disruptiver 3D-Druck

2022 Hanser 49,99

Recycling of Plastics

2022 Hanser 249,99

Industrial Coloration of Plastics

2022 Hanser 179,99

PVC Aditives

2022 Hanser 199,99
J.P. Ibar

The Physics of Polymer Interactions

2019 Hanser 179,99
S-C. Chen, L-S.  Turng

Advanced Injection Molding Technologies

2019 Hanser 199,00
Münsted H.

Elastic Behavior of Polymer Melts

2019 Hanser 179,00
 Chung C.I.  Extrusion of Polymers 2019 Hanser 149,99
 Cantor K.  Blown Film Extrusion 2018 Hanser 99,00 
Komarov G.

A Glossary of Plastics Terminology in 7 Languages, CD-ROM

2010 Hanser 107,69
Scheirs J.

A Guide to Polymeric Geomembranes: A Practical Approach

2009 Wiley 173,95
Pocius A. V.

Adhesion and Adhesives Technology: An Introduction

2002 Hanser 108,78
Mittal V.

Advanced Polymer Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Surface Modifications

2010 CRC Press 135,35
Albright L.

Albright's Chemical Engineering Handbook

2008 CRC Press 133,92

Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

7/2011 William Andrew 215,69

Basics of Troubleshooting in Plastics Processing: An Introductory Practical Guide

3/2011 Wiley 118,96
Wool R. P.

Bio-Based Polymers and Composites

2005 Academic Press 112,55

Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry

2010 Wiley 160,03
Yu L.

Biodegradable Polymer Blends and Composites from Renewable Resources

2009 Wiley 126,73

Biodegradable Polymers in Clinical Use and Clinical Development

5/2011 Wiley 118,96
Ambrosio L.

Biomedical Composites

2010 Woodhead Publishing 222,65

Biomimetic, Bioresponsive, and Bioactive Materials: An Introduction to Integrating Materials with Tissues

12/2011 Wiley 95,38
Semenova M.

Biopolymers in Food Colloids : Thermodynamics and Molecular Interactions

2010 Brill AP 195,20

Biopolymers: Biomedical and Environmental Applications

7/2011 Wiley 162,81

Biopolymers: New Materials for Sustainable Films and Coatings

4/2011 Wiley 121,10
Lee N.C.

Blow Molding Design Guide

2008 Hanser 120,88
Tjong S.Ch.

Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites: Metal and Ceramic Matrices

2009 Wiley 153,07

Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites: Manufacture, Properties, and Applications

8/2011 Wiley 118,96

Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer Reinforcement

5/2011 CRC Press 158,64

Carraher's Polymer Chemistry

2010 CRC Press 56,97

Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer Composites

4/2011 Springer 276,05
Brandt A.

Cement - Based Composites 

2009 CRC Press 153,07
Kohlgrüber K.

Co- Rotating Twin- Screw Extruders

2007 Hanser 120,88
Goodwin J.

Colloids and Interfaces with Surfactants and Polymers

2009 Wiley 56,92
Jones R.

Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature: IUPAC RECOMMENDATIONS 2008 

2008 RSC 194,81
Sapuan S.

Composite Materials Technology

2010 CRC Press 131,07
Johnson R.

Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete

2004 Wiley 85,41
Neto S.

Computational Methods for Plasticity: Theory and Applications

2008 Wiley 157,25
Scholz F.

Conducting Polymers

2008 Springer 150,09

Conjugated Polymer Synthesis: Methods and Reactions

2010 Wiley 146,11
Müller A.H.E.

Controlled and Living Polymerizations: From Mechanisms to Applications 

2009 Wiley 173,95
Batten S.

Coordination Polymers: Design, Analysis and Application

2009 RSC 194,81
Haynes W.M.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics

2010 CRC Press 135,35

Cross-Linked Liquid Crystalline Systems: From Rigid Polymer Networks to Elastomers

2011 Taylor & Francis 168,38

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods: in Materials Science and Engineering

2010 Wiley 121,10

Crystallization Modalities in Polymer Melt Processing

2010 Springer 118,19

Crystallization of Polymers

2011 Cambridge UP 45,58
Stritzke B.

Custom Molding of Thermoset Elastomers: A Comprehensive Approach to Materials, Mold Design, and Processing

2009 Hanser 120,88
Hong M.

Design and Construction of Coordination Polymers

2009 Wiley 106,78
Dias R.

DNA Interactions with Polymers and Surfactanta

2008 Wiley 158,64
Karbhari V.

Durability of Composites for Civil Structural Applications

2007 Woodhead Publishing 201,78
Page C.

Durability of Concrete and Cement Composites

2008 Woodhead Publishing 201,78
Döring M.

Electron Beam Curing of Composites

2010 Hanser 108,78
Michler G.

Electron Microscopy of Polymers

2008 Springer 106,37
Barford W.

Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Polymers

2009 Oxford UP 49,86

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 2 Vol. Set

2010 Springer 576,35

Engineered Carbohydrate-Based Materials for Biomedical Applications: Polymers, Surfaces, Dendrimers, Nanoparticles, and Hydrogels

3/2011 Wiley 118,96
Endres H.J.

Engineering Biopolymers: Markets, Manufacturing, Properties and Applications

2011 Hanser 345,35
Margolis J.

Engineering Plastics Handbook

2005 McGraw-Hill 122,51
Vasile C.

Environmentally Degradable Materials Based on Multicomponent Polymeric Systems

2009 VSP 195,20

Enzymatic Polymerisation

2010 Springer 219,39
McKeen L.

Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers

2010 Elsevier 285,27
Scheirs J.

Feedstock Recycling and Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics: Converting Waste Plastics into Diesel and Other Fuels

2006 Wiley 327,02
Wilke Ch.

Fire Retardancy of Polymeric Materials

2010 CRC Press 150,29
Hull R.

Fire Retardancy of Polymers: New Strategies and Mechanisms

2009 RSC 194,81
Coles R.

Food and Beverage Packaging Technology

2011 Wiley 187,86
Lewis P.

Forensic Polymer Engineering: Why Polymer Products Fail in Service

2010 Woodhead Publishing 215,69
Martín N.

Fullerene Polymers: Synthesis, Properties and Applications

2009 Wiley 173,95

Functional Polymer Films, 2 Vol. Set

4/2011 Wiley 340,93

Functional Polymer Nanocomposites for Energy Storage and Conversion 

3/2011 Oxford UP 135,35
Segal V. M.

Fundamentals and Engineering of Severe Plastic Deformation

2010 Nova Science 186,70

Fundamentals of Plasticity in Geomechanics

2010 CRC Press 64,10

Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Biomaterials 

5/2011 Oxford UP 146,11

Handbook for the Chemical Analysis of Plastic and Polymer Additives, Second Edition

1/2012 CRC Press 221,26

Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers: Isolation, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications

7/2011 Wiley 173,95

Handbook of Bioplastics & Biocomposites Engineering Applications

6/2011 Wiley 180,90
Stoyko Fakirov

Handbook of Condensation Thermoplastic Elastomers

2005 Wiley-VCH 382,68
Skotheim T.

Handbook of Conducting Polymers, 2 Vol. Set

2007 CRC Press 240,74
Thomas S.

Handbook of Engineering and Speciality Thermoplastics: Nylons

2011 Wiley 139,16
Fink J.

Handbook of Engineering and Specialty Polymer, Vol. 2: Water Soluble Polymers

3/2011 Wiley 162,81
Troughton M.

Handbook of Plastics Joining

2008 William Andrew 160,03
Harper Ch.

Handbook of Plastics Technologies

2006 McGraw-Hill 121,10
Brown R.

Handbook of Polymer Testing

1999 CRC Press 274,14
Dubois P.

Handbook of Ring - Opening Polymerization

2009 Wiley 180,90
Mittal V.

High Performace Polymers and Engineering Plastics

8/2011 Wiley 162,35
Fink J.

High Performance Polymers

2008 William Andrew 229,61

Hyperbranched Polymers: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

4/2011 Wiley 139,16

Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials

2010 Elsevier 215,69

Chemical Modification of Biological Polymers

9/2011 CRC Press 135,35
Fortin J.

Chemical Vapor Deposition Polymerization

2004 Kluwer AP 144,32
Albertsson A.

Chromatography for Sustainable Polymeric Materials

2008 Springer 196,29
Campo E.A.

Industrial Polymers

2007 Hanser 120,88
Kazmer D.

Injection Mold Design Engineering

2007 Hanser 120,88
Osswald T.

Injection Molding Handbook

2007 Hanser 189,08
Osswald T. A.

International Plastics Handbook

2006 Hanser 120,88
Barbero E.

Introduction to Composite Materials Design

2010 CRC Press 99,71
Carraher Ch.

Introduction to Polymer Chemistry

2010 Taylor & Francis 52,70
Chanda M.

Introduction to Polymer Science and Chemistry

2006 CRC Press 99,71
Shaw M.

Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity

2005 Wiley 126,73

Introduction to Polymers

6/2011 CRC Press 54,12
Rotheiser J.

Joining of Plastics: Handbook for Designers and Engineers

2009 Hanser 153,61

Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity

2011 CRC Press 135,35
Mattiasson B.

Macroporous Polymers

2010 CRC Press 121,10
Davim J.

Machining Composite Materials

2010 Wiley-Iste 118,72
Goodship V.

Management, Recycling and Reuse of Waste Composites

2010 Woodhead Publishing 222,65
Singh B.

Market Research and Strategic Planning for Global Chemical, Petrochemical, and Plastics Industries

2012 Wiley 139,16
Nielsen L.

Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites

1994 CRC Press 99,71
Roe R.

Methods of X - Ray and Neutron Scattering in Polymer Science

2000 Oxford UP 113,98

Microfluidic Reactors for Polymer Particles

3/2011 Wiley 113,98
Zloczower I.

Mixing and Compounding of Polymers

2009 Hanser 287,60
Gujrati P.

Modeling and Simulation in Polymers

2010 Wiley 173,95
Kasapis S.

Modern Biopolymer Science

2009 Academic Press 146,11
Rees H.

Mold Engineering

2002 Hanser 153,61
Galiatsatos V.

Molecular Simulation Methods for Predicting Polymer Properties

2005 Wiley 131,78
Pethrick R.

Monomers, Oligomers, Polymers, Composites and Nanocomposites Research: Synthesis, Properties and Applications

2009 Nova Science 142,66

Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites

2010 CRC Press 135,35
Lau A.

Nano - and Biocomposites

2010 CRC Press 141,94
Kocsis J.

Nano and Micro Mechanics of Polymer Blends and Composites

2009 Hanser 236,38
Mittal V.

Nanocomposites with Biodegradable Polymers: Synthesis, Properties, and Future Perspectives 

4/2011 Oxford UP 92,61
Eftekhari A.

Nanostructured Conductive Polymers

2010 Wiley 208,73
Pojman J.

Nonlinear Dynamics with Polymers: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications

2010 Wiley 146,11
Mittal V.

Optimization of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties

2010 Wiley 160,03
Gnanou Y.

Organic and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

2008 Wiley 109,63

Organic and Polymer Chemistry for Engineers

1/2012 Springer 184,74
DeRosa T.F.

Patent Applications: A Tool for Identifying Advances in Polymer Chemistry R & D

2009 Wiley 173,95
Kleinert H.

Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics, Statistics, Polymer Physics and Financial Markets

2009 World Scientific 45,59
Brostow W.

Performance of Plastics

2000 Hanser 212,73
Green D.

Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook

2007 McGraw-Hill 141,05
Cheng S.

Phase Transitions in Polymers

2008 Elsevier 153,07
Allen N.

Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymer Materials

2010 Wiley 141,94
West D.

Physics of Photorefraction in Polymers

2005 CRC Press 141,05
Birley A. W.

Physics of Plastics: Processing, Properties and Materials Engineering

2008 Hanser 72,48

Plastic Conversion Processes

2009 CRC Press 65,52
Gutkin M.

Plastic Deformation in Nanocrystalline Materials

2004 Springer 120,06
Reyne M.

Plastic Forming Processes

2008 Wiley 142,40
Malloy R.

Plastic Part Design for Injection Molding

2010 Hanser 108,78

Plasticity, Failure and Fatigue in Structural Materials - From Macro to Nano: Proceedings of the Hael Mughrabi Honorary Symposium

4/2011 Wiley 141,76
Zveifel H.

Plastics Additives Handbook

2009 Hanser 236,38
Andrady A.L.

Plastics and the Environment

2003 Wiley 178,12

Plastics Extrusions Technology

2011 Hanser 236,38
Sastri V.

Plastics in Medical Devices

2010 Elsevier 197,59
Kazmer D.O>

Plastics Manufacturing Systems Engineering: A Systems Approach

2009 Hanser 120,88
Selke S.

Plastics Packaging: Properties, Processing, Applications, and Regulations

2004 Hanser 108,78
Wittfoht A.M.

Plastics Technical Dictionary: English-German/German-English, Illustrated Systematic Groups

1992 Hanser 120,88
Broz P.

Polymer - Based Nanostructures: Medical Applications

2010 RSC 194,81
Gedde U.

Polymer Analysis / Polymer Theory

2005 Springer 241,40
Harsanyi G.

Polymer Films in Sensor Aplications

1995 CRC Press 247,70
Branrup J.

Polymer Handbook, 2 Vol. Set

2003 Wiley 535,75
Peacock A.J.

Polymer Chemistry: Properties and Application

2006 Hanser 108,78

Polymer Materials: Macroscopic Properties and Molecular Interpretations 

4/2011 Wiley 104,72

Polymer Melt Fracture

2010 CRC Press 150,29
Zaidi S.

Polymer Membranes for Fuel Cells

2009 Springer 118,19
Sawyer L.

Polymer Microscopy 

2008 Springer 136,23
White J.L.

Polymer Mixing: Technology and Engineering

2001 Hanser 108,78
Koo J.

Polymer Nanocomposites

2006 McGraw-Hill 135,35
Mittal V.

Polymer Nanocomposites by Emulsion and Suspension Polymerization

2010 RSC 185,06
Gupta R.

Polymer Nanocomposites Handbook

2010 CRC Press 131,07
Mittal V.

Polymer Nanotube Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

2010 Wiley 162,81
Gedde U.

Polymer Physics

1995 Kluwer AP 94,54
Rubinstein M.

Polymer Physics

2008 Oxford UP 84,77
J. G. P. Goossens

Polymer Spectroscopy

2005 Wiley-VCH 347,89
Pethrick R.

Polymer Structure Characterization:

From Nano To Macro Organization

2007 RSC 64,10
Anderson P.A.

Polymer Testing

2007 Hanser 120,88

Polymer Thermodynamics

9/2011 Springer 345,35

Polymer Thermodynamics: Blends, Copolymers and Reversible Polymerization

4/2011 CRC Press 109,69
Tsui O.

Polymer Thin Films

2008 World Scientific 115,40

Polymer Translocation

5/2011 CRC Press 91,17

Polymeric Carbons

2011 Cambridge UP 23,31
Klempner D.

Polymeric Foams and Foam Technology

2004 Hanser 236,38

Polymeric Chiral Catalyst Design and Chiral Polymer Synthesis

7/2011 Wiley 128,94
Bernstein J.

Polymorphism in Molecular Crystals

2002 Oxford UP 56,92
Nwabunma D.

Polyolefin Blends

2008 Wiley 161,42
Nwabunma D.

Polyolefin Composites

2008 Wiley 161,42

Polyurethane Shape Memory Polymers

9/2011 CRC Press 158,64

Porous Polymers

3/2011 Wiley 118,96

Processing and Finishing of Polymeric Materials, 2 Vol. Set

6/2011 Wiley 365,98
Dave R.

Processing of Composites

2000 Hanser 212,73
Pethrick R.

Progress in Monomers, Oligomers, Polymers, Composites and Nanocomposites

2009 Nova Science 142,66
Reiter G.

Progress in Understanding of Polymer Crystallization

2007 Springer 118,19

Properties and Behavior of Polymers, 2 Vol. Set

3/2011 Wiley 365,98
van Krevelen D.

Properties of Polymers

2009 Elsevier 299,19

Radiation Technology for Polymers

2010 CRC Press 141,05
Baker W.

Reactive Polymer Blending

2001 Hanser 153,61
Thomas S.

Recent Advances in Polymer Nanocomposiets: Synthesis and Characterization

2010 VSP 194,04
Thomas S.

Recent Advances in Polymer Nanocomposites

2009 VSP 243,71
Beaumont J.

Runner and Gating Design Handbook:Tools for Successful Injection Molding

2008 Hanser 153,61

Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites

8/2011 Wiley 109,63
Altan B.

Severe Plastic Deformation: Towards Bulk Production of Nanostructured Materials

2006 Nova Science 201,06
Jinlian Hu

Shape Memory Polymers and Textiles

2007 Woodhead Publishing 194,82

Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites

2010 CRC Press 135,35
Braun D.

Simple Methods for Identification of Plastics

1999 Hanser 50,47
Ward I. M.

Solid Phase Processing of Polymers

2000 Hanser 153,61
Papaspyrides C.

Solid State Polymerization

2009 Wiley 111,84

Structural Glasses and Supercooled Liquids: Theory, Experiment, and Applications

8/2011 Wiley 118,96
Dealy J.

Structure and Rheology of Molten Polymers

2006 Hanser 177,26
Salem D.

Structure Formation in Polymeric Fibers

2001 Hanser 177,26
Kemmere M.F.

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: In Polymer Reaction Engineering

2005 Wiley 194,82
Fourne F.

Synthetic Fibers: Machines and Equipment Manufacture, Properties

2009 Hanser 345,35
Gieck K.

Technical Formulae

2009 Hanser 26,44
Wulfhorst B.

Textile Technology

2006 Hanser 120,88
Campo E. A.

The Complete Part Design Handbook: For Injection Molding of Thermoplastics

2007 Hanser 345,35
Laurence W. McKeen

The Effect of Creep

2009 Elsevier 285,27
Grossman R. F.

The Handbook of Vinyl Formulating

2008 Wiley 142,40

The Mechanical and Thermodynamical Theory of Plasticity

12/2011 CRC Press 109,69
Strobl G.

The Physics of Polymers

2007 Springer 53,15
Milton G.

The Theory of Composites

2002 Cambridge UP 119,67
Ehrenstein G.W.

Thermal Analysis of Plastics: Theory and Practice

2004 Hanser 120,88

Thermal Analysis of Polymeric Materials

2005 Springer 114,64
Menczel J.

Thermal Analysis of Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications

2009 Wiley 151,68
White J.L.

Thermoplastic and Rubber Compounds: Technology and Physical Chemistry

2008 Hanser 120,88
Janssen L.

Thermoplastic Starch: A Green Material for Various Industries

2009 Wiley 128,22
Michaeli W.

Training in Injection Molding

2001 Hanser 63,12
Michaeli W.

Training in Plastics Technology

2000 Hanser 63,12
Noriega P.

Troubleshooting the Extrusion Proces

2010 Hanser 120,88
White J.L.

Twin Screw Extrusion: Technology and Principles

2010 Hanser 153,61
Rauwendal Ch.

Understanding Extrusion

2010 Hanser 84,58
Selke S.

Understanding Plastics Packaging Technology

1997 Hanser 50,47
Hylton D.

Understanding Plastics Testing

2004 Hanser 50,47
Throne J.L.

Understanding Thermoforming

2008 Hanser 84,58
Ferry J.

Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers

1980 Wiley 271,36

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