Future of Polyolefins 2019

  • 16.01.2019 - 17.01.2019 | Antwerp | Belgicko
Sedmý ročník Future of Polyolefins 2019 (Budoucnost polyolefinů), který organizuje agentura ACI, se uskuteční v Antwerpách, Belgie.

 With the new European directive on plastic waste & circular economy targets, and the investments wave on new production plants, the polyolefins industry is facing changes in the near future. It will not only need to adapt to them, but also work as a whole, with all actors from the value chain involved, to live up to expectations and thrive.

All these changes, and other pressing matters in the industry, will be addressed at ACI’s 7th edition of the Future of Polyolefins Summit, taking place in Antwerp, Belgium, on the 16th & 17th January 2019.

£240 discount for all subscribers

Future of Polyolefins 2019 

Key Topics Include

  • Factors Influencing Pricing on Feedstock & Polyolefins
  • The Circular Economy Impact
  • Polyolefins Market: Current Outlook & Predictions
  • Polyolefin Production: Performance Retention & Recyclability
  • Converting Technologies
  • Maximising Degradability of Polyolefins
  • Managing the ever increasing Amount of Plastic in a Sustainable Way
  • Optimising Lightweighting
  • Design & Application in Polyolefins Packaging Production
  • Recycling & Reusing Polyolefin based Products

For more information & registration, contact
Mohammad Ahsan
on +44 (0)
20 3 141 0606 


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