Software pro CAE simulace Altair ve verzi 2022.2 je zde

Na přelomu roku Altair uvolňuje novou verzi svých simulačních nástrojů – verzi 2022.2. Tato významná aktualizace se zaměřuje zejména na flexibilitu a škálovatelnost cloudového řešení a další posílení funkcionality předchozích verzí 2022 a 2022.1 klasických nástrojů.

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Informace o využití nástrojů pro CAE simulace a datové analýzy v prostředí cloudu s využitím HPC infrastruktury, tedy v prostředí Altair One »

Některé z novinek ve vybraných nástrojích

Nové funkce a vylepšení naleznete zejména v níže uvedených funkcích a vlastnostech nástrojů:

Inspire Mold

Ve verzi 2022.2 pokračuje postupné vylepšování funkcionality a uživatelského rozhraní. Aktualizovány byly tyto nástroje a funkce: Construction History Integration, New Runner Editor, Run Remotely Through MPI, New Options for Gate Optimization Tool, SinkMarks and WeldLines for Quick Analysis , Molding Window Analysis Settings 


Plot assistant, Pneumatics library


EDEM integration / co-simulation


Dynamic Domain, Meta-Particles Analysis, Deformable Geometry, FlexTire plug-in


MLFMM performance, Periodic FSS structures, and radomes, PCB Current Data source, Building data in CityGML format, Cross-polarization of antennas, Population data from the Global Human Settlement database, ITU propagation models

HyperWorks / HyperMesh

Scenario Manager allows you to create a series of connection definitions comprised of rules and corresponding controls in a specific order.
Extension Manager allows you to load customized client-specific plugin features via file menu, Surface Repair Tool allows you to identify and fix common issues with surfaces like Free/Non-Manifold edges, self-intersections, slivers, and duplicates.
Hex Mesh tool to create mesh of solid elements along element normal or user defined direction or using lines, surfaces, faces and node paths as guides, TetraMesh Improvements with better growth-controlled core mesh. Ability to split quads into tetras and direct element selection support, Create and edit Shell and Solid using Beamsection Browser.
Added support for legacy HyperMesh .res files in current Contour, Vector, Tensor, and Deformed tools.

HyperWorks CFD

AcuTrace support, External aero modeling process, DOE extension, updates in post-processing


Quick Hotspot Tool, Strain Linearization, Support for EDEM results in HyperView, HWC – Editing of multiple notes or measures witha single command


New Geometry Tools: Sweep, NURBS Curve, Pattern Along Curve, New Sketching Tools: Transform and Spline Trimming, Bushings, Prestressed Modal, Buckling for SimSolid and Design Explorer, Motion: Interference Detection, Input and Output Signals, Viewpoints

Inspire Form

Blank nesting and Blank fit results posted in UI, Boundary condition definition using mesh feature, Support for Sheet hydroforming, Flexforming, Hydromechanical deep drawing process.

MotionSolve / MotionView

New Transfer Case with differential for 4WD
vehicles, IC engine powertrain model for 4WD vehicles, Locking Differential system available for vehicles, Road Tools Performance enhancement


Introducing non-Newtonian fluids, A largely improved workflow with a
single-window environment between SimLab and nanoFluidX.


Damage for Explicit Dynamic Analysis, 3D element support for rotordynamics, Subsystem base h3d output, Augmented Lagrangian Method for Nonlinear Contact, New opti format, Temp Dependent Viscoelasticity, Section force for Frequency Response Analysis, Adaptive Contact Stabilization


Major improvements for the 2D seatbelt material
and slipring, Continuous development to support the reading of more LS-DYNA keywords and options, Improvement of solver performance for linear tetrahedron elements and contact interface sorting


Direct access to the Altair Material Data Centre, Support of electrical conductance analysis with OptiStruct, New solution for Solder Thermal Fatigue analysis, Supported 3-Phase AcuSolve – EDEM coupling, Workflow improvements for Drive train oiling Application, End-to-end workflows for SPH Flow solution, Support added for creation and modification of circuits for magnetic transient 2D solution, Supported automatic setup of preloading in Drop impact analysis, Added Liquid Cooling smart object for Electronics Thermal Solution


Linear buckling analysis, Random fatigue analysis, Fatigue stress history, Structural envelope, Relative displacement, Gas body

Prostudujte detailní přehled novinek v Release Notes jednotlivých nástrojů. Ty naleznete tradičně v průvodní dokumentaci u jednotlivých nástrojů ke stažení na Altair One – Marketplace

Autor: Advanced Engineering s.r.o.

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